Google and Amazon have been in a heated battle for supremacy in the online world for years now. The two companies have different ways of doing things, and their products are often at odds. But what you need to know about this feud before it gets too complicated is that there are some key differences between the two companies that could benefit your business. First and foremost, Google is known for its search engine results pages (SERPs), which are the first place people look when looking for information online. Amazon, on the other hand, is known for its Kindle e-reader and Kindle Fire devices, which allow users to read books and download content. Second, Google has a much larger library of books than Amazon does. This means that if you want to buy a book from Amazon, you’ll have to wait longer than if you go to Google Books. Third, Google has a much more expansive user base than Amazon does. This means that if you’re looking to sell your products or services through Google’s platform, you’ll be able to do so with much more ease than if you’re looking to do so through Amazon. Finally, while both companies offer a variety of services (such as email marketing and social media marketing), they differ in how these services are delivered - Google offers its services through search engines while Amazon offers its services through e-books and other digital products.

Users shouldn’t have to know about tech company feuds. In an ideal world, where the user experience is the top priority, your ability to watch videos would not depend on how well two multinational corporations are getting along this month.

If you haven’t noticed, we don’t live in an ideal world.

If you read a lot of tech news, you saw this coming. Most people don’t, so here’s a quick explainer of why these two technology giants can’t get along, and what it means for users.

Everything On the Internet Is a Competition

— Eqbal Ashraf (@eqbalashraf) December 6, 2017

You can argue who is right here, and I’m sure people will in the comments. I’m not interested in that. I think both companies should be finding ways to make lives easier for their customers, and right now neither seems particularly interested in doing so.