If you’re a fan of open-source hardware, then you’ll love the new System76 keyboard. This keyboard is made from high-quality materials and features a variety of features that make it perfect for gaming and other online activities. The System76 keyboard is available for purchase now and is sure to make your computing experience more enjoyable. It’s also great for people who are looking for a keyboard that is both stylish and functional.

The Launch lineup of keyboards is currently comprised of the Launch Lite, with 70 keys, and the Launch, with 84 keys and a function row. Now, System76 is launching a version with a fuller set of 105 keys, including a numpad, that it’s dubbing the Launch Heavy. The keyboard is a great option for those who were looking at everything System76’s keyboards were bringing to the table, but couldn’t settle with anything less than a full-size keyboard.

The Launch Heavy is, as its name very well suggests, considerably bigger and heavier than the other two options due to the fact we now have a numpad built in. Otherwise, pretty much identical to the Launch or Launch Lite. The split spacebar invites you to remap a frequently-used key within your thumb’s reach, and likewise, pretty much everything about the keyboard is remappable thanks to the System76 Keyboard Configurator. Even the keyboard itself is open-source, in true System76 fashion.

The Launch Heavy will start at $299, and users can get $40 off from it thanks to the Bundle Up promotion, by bundling it with a System76 computer or laptop. If you’re not fond of numpads, this promotion also applies to other keyboards, albeit with a lesser discount — you can save $36 on a Launch and $24 on a Launch Lite.

If this sounds like your next keyboard, make sure to log into System76’s storefront and get one ordered right now.