Ubuntu Server is a powerful platform that can be used to power a variety of applications and services. One of the great features of Ubuntu Server is the ability to open a second console session. This allows you to continue working on your application while another session is running in the background. To open a second console session, first open the Dash and type “terminal”. When Terminal appears, type “sudo startxfce4” and press Enter. This will start the XFCE4 desktop environment. Next, type “sudo nano /etc/inittab” and press Enter. This will open the inittab file in nano text editor. Find the line that reads “id:3:initdefault:”, and change it to read “id:2:initdefault:”. Save the file by pressing Ctrl+X, Y, and Enter. Finally, type “sudo reboot” and press Enter to restart your server. Now when you log into your server with your user account, you will be able to open a second console session by typing “terminal” and pressing Enter. To exit this console session, type “exit” or click on the close button in the top-left corner of the window. ..

Use the Alt+F1, Alt+F2, etc commands to open multiple consoles. There are 6 available tty consoles, using F1-F6.

For example, if I hit the key combination:

I will see a new login window:

I find this very useful when you are compiling a package and wish to keep working on something else.