If you’re following Instagram, it’s important to be aware of the posts that are being shared. Reported posts are a way for Instagram to share information about a post that has been reported as being inappropriate or offensive. Reported posts can also help you see what others are sharing and make sure you’re following the right people. To view reported posts on Instagram, open the app and select “Reports.” This will show all of the reports that have been filed against a post since it was published. You can click on any of these reports to read more about it, or you can just click on the report itself to see all of the details. If you’re concerned about a post that has been reported, it’s important to do your research first. Make sure you’re following the account of the person who reported the post and see if they have any other social media accounts that might be relevant to your interests. If you don’t have access to those accounts or if they’ve removed the post from their account, then it’s best not to follow them anymore. Finally, remember that reporting a post doesn’t mean that it will be removed from Instagram. It just means that someone is looking into whether or not there is anything wrong with it and they may decide not to publish it.

Yes, you can unreport a post on Instagram. To do so, tap the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the post. Then tap “Unfollow” to unfollow that account or “Report” to report that post.

When a post is reported on Instagram, the post is hidden from public view, and an email is sent to the account owner. The email contains a warning about the report and asks for more information. If the account owner provides a valid response, Instagram will take no further action.

If you are looking for a report on Instagram, I recommend checking out the “Instagram Report” by Social Blade. This is a great way to see your follower growth, your posting frequency, and more.

Users of Instagram can see who has reported their account, but they cannot see any information about who the reporter is. Users are only notified that an account or post was reported and that they need to take more care in the future with what they post; there is no explanation on how to get help with these issues. Nor can an individual check his/her own profile since the posts are only visible to the person posting.

Instagram does delete reported photos. They have a policy that is enforced by their employees to remove any content that violates the terms of service, which includes nudity and pornography.

Instagram does not delete reported comments. The only way to delete them is to delete the account.

There is no limit on the number of reports an account can receive. Instagram does not delete accounts based on a set number of reports.

I think it would take a lot of spam to delete Instagram. I don’t know what the exact amount is, but I would imagine it would be a lot.

Instagram does not review reports of inappropriate content. This is problematic because it leaves underprivileged people and those who do not have the resources to report content to Instagram, vulnerable to abuse and harassment.

No, it is unlikely that someone will know if you report their post. It is possible for a person to be banned from the site if they are reported enough, but this would require them to be reported by a large number of people.