YouTube comments are a great way to show your support for a video or to share your thoughts on the content. However, when you use italics or bold text in your comments, you can make them more visible and easier to read. To start, make sure that your comments are in the same language as the video you’re commenting on. If not, you’ll need to use a translator or another tool to help you read them. Next, use clear and concise language when commenting. Try not to include too much personal information or commentary that could potentially be seen as disruptive or offensive. Finally, be sure to follow YouTube’s guidelines when commenting. This includes using proper grammar and avoiding any potential spoilers for the video or the person behind it.

You’ll use the same steps on both your desktop and your phone to format your comments.

RELATED: How to Find Your Comments on YouTube

Strike-Through Comments on YouTube

With the strike-through option, you can add a line crossing out your comment text.

To use it, add a dash before and after your comment text. This will add the strike-through effect to your text.

For example, if you want to use strike-through for the following text:

Type the comment as follows (notice the dash at the beginning and the end of the text):

Your comment with the strike-through style will look like this:

And that’s it. You can use this formatting option for both single words as well as multiple sentences. Just make sure to keep your text around a dash.

RELATED: How to Strikethrough in Microsoft Excel

Bold Comments on YouTube

Bolding your comments increases the thickness of your text. To do this, you will put your comment text between an * (asterisk) sign.

For example, to bold the following piece of text:

You’ll type the following in the YouTube comment box:

And your bold comment will show up like this:

You’re done.

RELATED: How to Enable Bold Text on Your iPhone or iPad

Italics Comments on YouTube

Italicizing your comment text is as easy as italicizing in WhatsApp. To make your text italic, you’ll wrap the text around an _ (underscore).

To use this formatting option for the following text:

You’ll type the text like this:

And your output will look like this:

And that’s it.

RELATED: How to Format Your WhatsApp Messages

Apply Multiple Styles to Your YouTube Comments at Once

You can use multiple formatting options on a single piece of text if you want. To do so, you’ll combine the characters for styling your text.

For example, to use the bold and italic formatting for the following text:

You’ll wrap the text around an asterisk and an underscore. Like so:

And your resulting comment will have all your styles applied to it:

YouTube’s comment formatting options are really useful as they let you emphasize certain parts of your comments. This way you can draw people’s attention to certain words or sentences in your comments. Happy commenting on your favorite kinds of videos!

RELATED: How to Apply Text Formatting in Discord